While the United States-Mexico border might be thousands of miles from Chicago, the topic of immigration is one that hits close to home for Chicagoans. Last week, news broke that families were being separated at the Southern border. Children as young as eight months old were taken from their parents and housed in separate detention camps. A majority of families spoken to in detention centers had fled Mexico to stay safe from the violence. Family detention centers have long been a hidden fixture along the border and now people are…Read More

A recent decision by the Supreme Court means that sports fans will now have more opportunities to place legal bets on sports teams. On Monday, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to end a 1992 law that deemed sports betting illegal across the United States. This comes on the tail of gambling sites like DraftKings being named illegal as users used it as a personal bookie to gamble on all types of different things. It is estimated that nearly $150 billion is spent each year in illegal gambling, and this recent…Read More

Check out our recent mention in an article about a case we’ve taken on against General Motors. Click this link to read the full story...Read More
A deposition is a pre-trial oral testimony. Although it is pre-trial, it is still taken under oath and the testimony can be used in court. If you are currently involved in a legal battle, it is important to understand that the deposition can be vital in reaching a verdict and should be taken very seriously. Deposition can prove very useful to the opposing counsel, so being prepared for your testimony and knowing what to expect is very important. Always tell the truth. Since this testimony is still being given under…Read More
We were pleased to see our principal attorney written up in the newest issue of the Chicago Lawyer magazine. The article, out this week, was written by Roy Strom, gives an excellent overview of the CBA’s efforts to enhance the future of the profession. Our favorite quote? “A law degree is like radioactive material. It has a half-life when its not being used.”Read More
Social media has changed the way that we interact and communicate with each other, as well as impacted the kind of personal information that is available to the public. Seventy-two percent of internet users are active on social media, Facebook has more than 1.15 billion users, Twitter has more than 550 million users, and about two billion videos are viewed daily on YouTube. As our reliance on social media increases, lawyers and investigators continue to use social media networks to inform their personal injury cases. In personal injury cases, various…Read More
This past snow storm, recorded as the fifth largest snowfall in Chicago’s history took the lives of over 12 people in shoveling accidents. A Cook County medical examiner concluded that the deaths of 12 men and 1 woman were related to the strain of shoveling snow. Of the 12 men, 3 collapsed in the snow and had a heart attack. Shoveling snow is a task people typically don’t enjoy for a number of undesirable reasons. Most of the time we look at the task as something we don’t want to…Read More
Dahlia Saper over at Saper Law just sent me this fascinating article from The New Republic. You can get it here. The author, Mr. Naom Scheiber, does a nice job describing some of the market inefficiencies that have resulted in a very difficult legal market for young lawyers. As a small “boutique” law firm, the Sharks are very much aware of the competitive legal market. More interesting, however, is the way this new economy is impacting so-called “biglaw” – firms with over 500 attorneys. Traditionally, these firms have charged extremely high hourly…Read More